
API Reference

Access comprehensive documentation for the AI DashForge API. Our REST API allows you to programmatically access your data, create dashboards, manage users, and integrate our analytics capabilities into your applications.

API Overview

Base URL

All API requests should be made to this base URL, followed by the specific endpoint path.


The AI DashForge API uses API keys for authentication. You can generate and manage your API keys from your account dashboard.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

API Endpoints



List all dashboards

Retrieve a list of all dashboards available to the authenticated user.

View Documentation


Get dashboard by ID

Retrieve detailed information about a specific dashboard.

View Documentation


Create a new dashboard

Create a new dashboard with specified configuration and visualization elements.

View Documentation


List all data sources

Retrieve a list of all data sources connected to your account.

View Documentation

API Tools & Resources

Client SDKs

Officially supported SDKs for JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Java to help you integrate with our API faster.

View SDKs

Postman Collection

Download our Postman collection to quickly test and explore the AI DashForge API endpoints.

Download Collection

API Status

Check the current status of the AI DashForge API and view incident history and maintenance schedules.

View Status