
Schema Intelligence

Our Schema Intelligence automatically understands your data structure and suggests the most relevant visualizations and insights based on your specific database schema.

Schema Visualization



customer_id (PK)


order_id (PK)
customer_id (FK)


product_id (PK)


item_id (PK)
order_id (FK)
product_id (FK)

Intelligence Insights

Detected Relationships

One-to-many relationship detected between customers and orders tables via customer_id.

Many-to-many relationship detected between orders and products tables via order_items junction table.

Recommended Visualizations

Sales by Customer

Bar chart using customers.name and SUM(orders.total_amount)

Product Category Distribution

Pie chart using products.category and COUNT(order_items.product_id)

Monthly Sales Trend

Line chart using MONTH(orders.order_date) and SUM(orders.total_amount)

Schema Insights

The signup_date column in customers table could be used for customer cohort analysis.

Calculating average order value via AVG(orders.total_amount) could provide valuable business insights.

Consider adding a status column to the orders table for better order lifecycle tracking.

How Schema Intelligence Works

1. Connect Database

Connect to your database with a simple configuration. We support MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and more.

"connection": "secure", "scan_tables": true

2. Analyze Schema

Our AI scans the schema structure to detect tables, columns, data types, and identifies primary/foreign key relationships.

Detected 4 tables, 16 columns, 3 relationships

3. Generate Intelligence

AI analyzes relationships and data patterns to generate insights and visualization recommendations.

Generated 8 insights, 5 visualization options

4. Create Visualizations

With one click, generate optimized dashboards with the most relevant visualizations for your data structure.

Dashboard created with 6 visualizations

Key Features

Automated Relationship Detection

Our AI automatically detects primary keys, foreign keys, and table relationships, even if they're not explicitly defined in your database. This means less manual configuration and faster insights.

  • Identify one-to-many relationships
  • Detect many-to-many relationships via junction tables
  • Recommend missing relationship indexes

Smart Visualization Mapping

The system intelligently maps your data structure to the most appropriate visualization types, understanding which columns should be used for measures, dimensions, and filters.

  • Date columns mapped to time series charts
  • Categorical data recommended for pie/bar charts
  • Geographic data auto-mapped to map visualizations

Schema-Driven Insights

Our AI generates business-relevant insights and improvement recommendations based purely on your schema structure, before you even run a single query.

  • Suggest useful aggregate metrics
  • Identify potential schema improvements
  • Recommend useful data cohort analyses
"Schema Intelligence has transformed how our data team works. We went from spending days manually mapping our database relationships to having AI-powered insights in minutes. This tool has given us a competitive edge."

Sarah Chen

Data Analytics Lead, TechCorp Inc.

87%Time saved on
schema analysis